Just a reminder to all ramen fans! Pork bone broth is "TONKOTSU", NOT "TONKATSU". TonkAtsu is breaded deep fried port cutlet, not pork bone broth!!
Hint: If a server says Tonkatsu Ramen at a restaurant, don't expect authentic ramen. Ton = Pork🐷, kotsu = Bone🍖

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Osaka Japanese Restaurant - San Juan, Puerto Rico

Osaka Japanese Restaurant - San Juan, Puerto Rico

Not a ramen shop but they are one of the few restaurants that serves ramen in San Juan area.  Stick with local food.

Ramen - Noodles
Location - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Visited - 5/14/2017
Return - No

Goma Ramen

Wontan Ramen

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